prima nocta
Prima Nocta
Folk Metal Band

During one of our recent performances, our van was broken into and some musical instruments and all personal belongings and laptops were stolen. Unfortunately, our recent recordings for the new CD are also gone. The insurance unfortunately does not cover theft, and this is a significant financial blow for our band members.

Therefore, it would greatly help us if we could count on a small financial contribution through the link below:

Fête des sorcières du Parc de Morbecque

Place Amaury de la Grange,
Place Amaury de la Grange,
Fête des Sorcières Morbecque

Once a year, the witches return to the Park in Morbecque,
revered or cursed, one thing is certain, they have always been scary ….. they have power thanks to plants and other knowledge but shhh! ……. they should not be disturbed.

Come join us on the 2nd Weekend of September for this friendly and free party!

You will meet street artists, medievalists, creators, Bio exhibitors, writers, painters, sculptors, people in costumes etc.
maybe also real witches ……